Exploring Historic Sites After Hours: An Interactive Experience

Are you looking for a unique way to explore historic sites after hours? Look no further than Night Forms, a multisensory experience of light and sound that is designed to interact with the Ground For Sculpture art and horticulture collection. This season, Night Forms has partnered with Klip Collective to bring visitors an unforgettable experience. GFS members can enjoy discounted tickets to Night Forms and other exclusive benefits. If you're not a member yet, you can learn more about group visits to Night Forms.

Group sales are available for 15 or more people. Night Forms has timed entries every half hour, and tickets are available in fifteen-minute windows. Before your arrival, make sure to purchase timed admission tickets online for the time you want to visit. Please note that the Museum closes at 5:00 p.m., and all tickets sold are final with no refunds offered.

Tickets expire after the assigned date. One of the most popular historic sites is the Petersen House, which is known as the house where Lincoln died. It has gone from being a family home to a museum and is now a historic site. So if you're looking for an interactive experience of exploring historic sites after hours, Night Forms is the perfect choice! GFS members can enjoy discounted tickets and exclusive benefits, while everyone else can purchase tickets online in fifteen-minute windows.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity!.

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